The Reboot Refresher childbirth class is designed for couples planning their second (or third or fourth) natural birth. The Reboot birth class is designed just for you to address your particular concerns and needs for your subsequent natural births. Included in your class is the Reboot Refresher booklet. This booklet contains the basics from the Birth Boot Camp Field Manual, like the tips for labor and the basic outline of labor. But more than the Reboot booklet, your class will cover the things you need to feel ready for your birth. Lasting just one or two nights, you will have a chance to practice, talk, relax, and prepare. Class time approximately 4 hours and the cost of the class is $75 per couple. Scheduled quarterly and on an as-needed basis.
Why should you take a Reboot Refresher class when you already have the experience of one natural birth? ~It gives you a chance to focus on this baby and this pregnancy. Each birth deserves that dedicated time! ~The Reboot Refresher gives you a chance to discuss your fears, concerns, questions and events of your last birth. Often couples find that they had things to discuss they never realized they did. ~The Reboot Refresher helps you connect with other people in a similar life situation. As you add children and get busier, this can get harder and harder. ~There is always more to learn! Even people who have welcomed many children and studied extensively can forget things and can relish the opportunity to learn more. ~A focused time for learning like the Reboot Refresher forces you to carve out some time for this birth. This is harder and harder to do as life moves forward and gets busier, but it is never more important than during pregnancy!
Preparing couples in Victoria, Texas and the Crossroads area for ANOTHER amazing birth! For pricing and registration email or call [email protected] or (915)345-7201.